Week 1
This week, we will be working on plot.
(I don't think we should do cabin wars on the first weekend.)
From a book you've read multiple times, or that you understand really well, change the main turning point to something completely different. An example would be: In Harry Potter, one of the main turning points is when he finds out that he's a wizard. Instead of him being a wizard, maybe he's half-dragon! Or clinically insane! It's your choice! 400 words for 300 points.
Try writing a short story using a prompt generator. A small example is: https://www.servicescape.com/writing-prompt-generator or https://blog.reedsy.com/plot-generator/ ! For the genre choosing, please pick your cabin genre if it is included, or one that shares similar elements (like thriller and horror.) 300 words for 150 points!
Write a short story based on the dream you had last night. If you can't remember your dream, then you could also do it with another dream you remember having or common dream elements (falling, losing teeth, etc.) 400 words for 200 points!
For todays daily read a page or two of the first book you see, after write what would happen if the scenario on that page shifted gears, if it took a bad tear write about what would have happen if it took a good turn and same thing if it took a good turn what would the bad side loom like? +400 words for 300 points.
Illustrate a scene or main idea from one of the stories you are reading. Write 4-5 sentences to accompany the illustration. 150 points.
Cabin Wars!
Week 2
This week, we will be working on genre.
Cabin wars! No daily today.
Write 300 words describing your favorite writing genre, setting, and time setting. Include whether you like writing in a notebook or on a computer or tablet and whether you prefer normal pencils, mechanical pencils, or pens! Do you illustrate your books? Why or why not? This is worth 200 points.
What genre are you least comfortable reading in? What genre are you most comfortable reading in? TRASH the genre you love, it's time to read a book (more so a chapter or two or three or four- whatever you can handle hehe) that you absolutely dislike the genre of. Now after you finish read that, do you think it really depends on the author who wrote it? In other words, do you think a genre you hate can be ‘lovable’ if the author writes the book very well? Hmm… think about that. After you've mustered up some of those answers, look at the quotes that authors or journalists have wrote about the book. Write your OWN teeny-weeny quote about the couple chapters you read and share it in the main cabin! 100 points.
This is a fun one! Try creating a poem about any crazy adventure, but it must be related to your cabin theme/genre! Minimum 150 words for 100 points.
Reading Time! Try reading a book and find different types of writing styles (at least 3). (Ex: Narrative Writing, Analytical Writing, etc.) Describe these writing styles in the comments, and what their themes are. 100 points!
Read the first two chapters of a book that is written in verses, then write an opinionated answer to this question: “Do you like reading books in verses or more so chapter books with longer descriptions/dialogues? If yes, why? If no, why?” If you DO NOT have one of those books, that's 100% okay. What you may do is either find a preview of a book in verses on google OR write six to seven verses (about 100 words should be good). Then answer with an opinionated response to this question, “Is it hard to write in verses? What do you think the challenges might be writing a story in verses?” 75 points.
Cabin wars! No daily today.
Week 3
This week, we will be working on character.
Cabin Wars! See you tomorrow with a new daily
Fanfiction time! Read a chapter of any book, and write it from a different perspective than it is told in. If it is written in 1st person, try writing it from a supporting characters perspective. If it is written in 3rd person, try writing it in third person. 300 words for 150 points!
Design a diagram with your character's (any character of your choice!) name in the center. Make sure the diagram includes their personality traits, where they live (setting), looks, a quote that describes them (this quote CAN be taken from internet just make sure to write down the person who wrote it, otherwise it can be a quote YOU made, or a quote in the /book/ your character is in), and finally an element/item that is important to them. 100 points!
Take one of your discarded characters, or a character from a story you don't plan on finishing, and write 300 words about them going to middle school. Are they popular? Unpopular? Do they get bullied? Are they a bully? 200 words for 100 points.
Do you find that a lot of your characters are a little bit like characters from other books? Today, you need to take an already made character (like Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson) and make a character who is their opposite in every way. (For example, this person could use a bow instead of a dagger, be in the Aphrodite cabin, have green eyes to Annabeth's grey, and thinks that Luke deserves a second chance). 150 words for 75 points.
Take one of the side characters or antagonists from a book you're currently reading or have read in the past. Re-write a chapter of the book from their perspective. 400 words for 300 points.
Cabin wars!
Week 4
This week, we will be working on other things that we didn't do earlier this month.
Cabin wars! We will see you tomorrow with a new daily
For today's daily, think of a book you've read with a villain. Pretend you are a lawyer taking this villain to court. You have to defend them. Why are they not as bad as the perspective makes them seem? 300 words for 200 points. Good luck!
Write a short story using at least 6 song titles smoothly incorporated in. 300 words for 200 points.
For today's daily, go to a random word generator (https://randomwordgenerator.com/) You can use anywhere between 1-5 words. Base your story around those words. 300 words for 200 points.
Use a story you have written in the past and change it all into first-person speech. Next, after reviewing/editing it add on to it using future-tense only. 150 points!
For this daily, try writing in a journal for at least 30 minutes. Write about how your day went, how you expect it to go, etc. Go full out, just be yourself and have fun! You can write anything you want, from poetry about how you feel, to a description of your day, to story ideas. For this daily, you do NOT need proof, as some campers are uncomfortable or some writing is personal (Name, School, Birthdays, etc.). 150 points!
Cabin wars!
Last few days
Today is the last day of cabin wars! Make it count!
Reflect on your memories at camp. What was your favorite memory? What was your favorite activity? What was your favorite thing you wrote? Write about your memories at camp in the comments- 150 words for 100 points.