Midland’s Technical College EDU 230 Student Information Sheet & Syllabus Agreement
What I hope to learn from this class: I hope to learn more about what it means to be a good teacher and how I can create a safe learning environment for students.
What the instructor needs to know to help me be successful in this class: Nothing really. I usually have an issue in my classes where I need help and am too scared to ask for it. However, your class is very welcoming and I don't see that being an issue:).
I, Brittany Claspill, have received the course syllabus from my instructor in the D2L shell for this course. The syllabus has been explained to me, and I have had my questions answered by the instructor. I will take the initiative and maintain the necessary degree of persistence to have any future questions answered by the instructor. I understand that additional help may be obtained from the instructor during posted office hours or by appointment, but that it is my responsibility to seek such help. I further understand that support services will be provided upon my request and upon appropriate application to student services. I understand the potential for both passing and failing the course, and that I must earn a grade of at least “C” to successfully complete the course.
I agree to adhere to all course, department, and Midlands Technical College policies as referenced in the accompanying syllabus.
STUDENT: Brittany Claspill
Date: August 25, 2021
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