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Hai(Kei), Taisetsu na Shinyuu e: Greetings, My Dearest Best Friend

Time flies just like the pure white doves flying through the horizon sky at its great speed with perfection and elegance, and countless of feathers falling down like shooting stars. A wonderful weather that was brought today, it can't be helped but a golden-eyed young man to enjoy the atmosphere along with the Sakura petals flying through the air since it's currently spring in Japan. He admires the Sakura petals, that were dropping near him, as he holds one of it gently between his fingers, looking at how bright pink as it is, and takes a deep breath to enjoy the fresh air. Indeed the ideal weather to have in this early morning of the day. While enjoying the weather, there's something that always keeps him busy every single day— Writing a letter. He began writing a letter and making an exchange with a person, that he's always been close to since nursery, because apparently they parted ways for their own path for their own future after graduating high school at one of the prestige Dankira school, known as the Benizuru Academy, in training to become Dankira meisters as members of Etoile. The idea of the writing of letters is no other than his closest companionship. It may sound dull as it is, for him at least, but a promise has been made to keep in touch with each other most of the time regardless of how busy they are with their tight schedule. According to his friend, letters contain with genuine feelings of a person that they wrote down to freely express themselves through written communication. Even to share their love and show their appreciation to the recipient, or even giving updates about themselves of what they've been through in life to the addressee that they haven't seen for a while or in a long-distance. It is surely a nice change of pace of an idea instead of using their smartphone as form of communication. Writing of letters aren't that popular nowadays, you know.

Knowing for how long they have been together, yet those sweet but heavy memories when they were in high school will never fade even if there were times where it becomes a headache to remember. The past may leave the golden-eyed young man some things that are being recalled for a no reason, but he's forever grateful for his loyal friend that always stayed at his side even during the darkest and loneliest times where no one could be there for him to be understood and comforted. If it weren't for his friend, he wouldn't imagine what kind of future he would be on right now and what kind of person he would be today. Will it be a depressing future or an unknown future that he never predicted before that will fail him to prepare and never found out his true purpose or goal in life?

From overthinking and starting to worry from nothing, he immediately snapped out from being pre-occupied in his inside world. He shook his head for him to get back to his senses. Then he subsequently remembers something that he supposed to remember instead.

"Ah right, I should make a letter now before he starts sending me endless amount of letters again... like last time."

The golden-eyed young man quickly returned to his dorm house university since he would rather not stand outside doing nothing during the free morning day and recalling the old days out of blue in a relaxing mood. After entering his room, he sat down to his mini working area and grabbed a short-bond paper from one of the drawers of his desk. He inhales and exhales as he ease himself a bit and started writing his letter as he places down the tip of the pen on to the paper.

"— Greetings, to the one I reached out:"

Time started to waste that became late morning, the golden-eyed young man was able to wrote down all his thoughts and feelings that he wanted to express for that specific person. It typically contains the usual everyday life updates whether they are nonsense or not, or even the things that doesn't need to be mentioned since then again... Nonsense anyway. He wrote all those down, but it is something in mind that the recipient would react contentedly knowing that his life is doing just fine since moved apart. And to conclude, all he needs is to write down is his closing and signature on his letter.

"— Sincerely, Kagemiya Kei"

Kei went out to submit his letter at the post office that was a few blocks away from his university dorm. After having his letter being forwarded in the office, he exited the place then looked up and admired the afternoon weather . He may enjoy the silence and peace that he had longed for, deep down it feels incomplete for him without the usual noise way back— The laugh and such arrogant words that contains self-confidence that won't stop talking about one's beauty and elegance. He let out a big sigh and then looks up once again as he watches the airplane above that takes flight towards the open blue sky. Seeing the airplane alone, he recalls himself the moment where they lastly seen face to face.

"Sigh... I wonder what he is up to right now."

At Australia, Sydney

Sometime later since the letter was sent, the amethyst-eyed young man has finally received his letter. It felt like a kid again to him as he is excited to read the letter after it was being handed by the mailman. He instantly went out for a short walk, with his beloved pet dog, Lausanne, at the park to read the letter under the great weather that's currently Fall or Autumn in Australia. Upon arriving there, he was greeted by the cool breeze as he sits down and starts opening up the letter. Fortunately, he was able to grab the letter since it's about to be swept by the wind.

While reading the letter, under the fair weather as a ton of autumn leaves flying through, the amethyst-eyed young man is already fascinated by Kei's life, that was narrated inside the letter, knowing that he's doing well and healthy from the past months. He even shared the good news to his beloved pet dog, to which somehow feels disinterested about it and would rather take a nap instead than hearing the said news.

"Oh right!! I must send a reply now or else Kei will end up being excited for it!! Come on, Lausanne, let's go back to our room!! Ahahaha!!"

He rushed and dashed from the park onto his room, not caring a single thing around him even if there were a lot of people scolded him for being such in a hurry then several mixed colored autumn leaves were being slapped on his face due to the strong wind. Upon arriving to his room fast as lightning, he quickly grabbed a piece of paper and calmly seated down like nothing just happened from a run that came out from a marathon. Before he even starts writing, he looks out of his window and noticed how an airplane flying towards at his direction. He also, as well, remembers that nostalgic moment. He knows that it will take years for them to see each other, especially with them living from a different country to pursue their studies. However, writing a letter makes this amethyst-eyed young man be positive enough, after all he's the one who initiated the idea of exchanging letters despite the hassle at the first place. Being so absorbed in many things happening into his mind, especially about the future and the past that he's looking forward to move on, but is happy to look back to see all things that lead to become the present today, so he let out a warm smile and eventually started writing for his dedicated addressee, or his self-proclaimed best friend that he greatly considers.

"— Greetings, My Dearest Best Friend:"

Each feelings and moments translated into words. From there, it comes to the end of the sweet message that's ready to be sent.

"— Your Best Friend, Shido Akira"

The End.

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