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chinese movie: 哪吒之魔童降世, talking about a traditional story, about 哪吒凭借亲人的帮助和自己的努反抗命运的不公最终解救苍生,老百姓的故事。 allows the newer gneration to expirence and understand the chinese cultureal better in an animation.

chinese cultural sport:

chinese idiom or proverb: 画蛇添足 . One version of the the story is that in ancient china, there was a rich family who had a jug of wine and so many people wanted it one person suggested drawing a snake and who could draw it the best and fastest could have the wine. One person finished first, but upon seeing no one else had finished, went back and added feet to the snake. The other people had finished and when they went around to check, the guy got disqualified bc snakes dont' have feet. important bc it basically teaches the lesson of : don't do additional stuff 不要做多余的事情, 会把事情做坏。

chinese taboo topic: 颜色, 白, 麻衣,

ancient chinese invention: 造纸术 in the ancient times they didn't have paper, some people would use mixture of mud to write on the walls, others would use 蜡板. in china before they used 甲骨 and 青铜器. 东汉 time, 蔡伦 gathered expireence and made paper. gathered bark, old cloth, fishing net and other stuff to make fiboruous paper. important discovery as history could be better recorded and pepole now days still use paper for various things (writing, drawing, orgaimi).

traditional chinese holiday: 春节, 团员, celebrate new lunar year, fish, 聚餐, 鸡鸭鱼肉, 鞭炮, 红包, new clothes, 新的一年开始了, 春节晚会, 音节新的一年的到来。

chinese symbol:

chinese performing arts: 相声 is 中国传统的曲艺表演艺术. many different types, two person, one person, many people, most commonly two person. basically making jokes, songs, and other ways of intertaining while using a play on words. 说学逗唱 are the main asepcts, acting out characters and people, making humour scripts, sing songs and plays, a type of entertainment showing chiense culture (still appreciated today).

chiense family relationship: 包公气官: talks about how a guy named 包公 became a 清官 when he was 28 but because it was so far and away from home, as well as his parents didn't want him to leave, he didn't hesitate at all and stated at home to care for his father and mother. important bc it shows how in china a kids duty is to care for their father and mother as the father and mother has done so much to raise the kid (repaying the kindness).

one city in china: 北京 , 故宫, 长城, 首都, 科技政治文化中心。

chiense writer (famous person in ancient china: ): 曹雪芹,红楼梦, theres not much about the guy but he was a famous and influenctial writier, the story itself is about basically a family an ancient china's luxirious life and their subsequent downfall (huihuang)鼎盛时期和随后的衰落. the guy is influencital as his works still influcnes china now adays and is one of the 中国的四大名著之一。

chinese historical arqehce. strucuter: 四合院 is a traditional 民居建筑形式。 a yard in the center with four walls around. 3000 years ago first created, northern china regions have more. larger ones can be for 皇宫, 王府, while smaller ones are just for the regular families. signfiies chinese culture. and the current ones nowadays stille xist, but often lack modern anmemties. important bc it shows china's like 深远影响。

chiense dynasty: 清朝, 秦始皇

chiense arts or crafts: 剪纸 is very popular and widely acceptd in china. basiclaly use scissors or knife and cut on a sheet of paper that has been folded (cushioned on soft platform) to cut intricate designs. Important because its very ultural significant for chiense people, used to decorate walls, windows, mirrors, and can also be used for burial purposes, great gift to intrustuce ppl to chiense cultural .

chinese food: 麻婆豆腐 is a traidtional chiense food and has hundreds of years of history. It is said that it orginated from 清朝 after a wife had a bunch of 麻点 and she made very good 炒豆腐。 overtime the store was called "陈麻婆豆腐店“ This dish usually has tofu, 青葱, 牛肉, salt, soysauce, other oil spices. This dish preserves culture for its spicy and ma taste and has become a world dealicacy (世界文明的美味佳肴)

chinese language feature: 方言 : theres 十亿 ppl who speak mandarin. 普通话 is offical langauge since 1930, and is the standard dialect. there is a diversity of the dialects, with general main catergroies depending on the region. dialects may be hard converstion, espilaly as some like 上海话 are harder than 天津话 to understand. Dialects are important as it preserves culture, and once again shows china 文化多样性。

chinese myth/legend: 十二生肖 basically story of animals crossing river to be saved from floods onto a caldner, origianlly going to choose ten, but the guy said gou le but the guy heard dog and zhu le but transciptor heard pig. ancient belief system, that helps people understand the chinese culture.

chinese non-food-related celebratory actifvity: 舞狮 basically a type of festival style with a thousand year history. in the north its usually a small one person lion and a larger lion that has two people. This is a way of celebrating for a more propersious year and hopes that everyone will stay safe, 事事平安。

chiense education: 高考 chinese way of like testing into colleges. starting from 1952 it was the method of testing, only one test a year, on language, math, english, and a general test. general test is targeted towwards the directino they wish to pursue. this testing method is the fairest and its ability to allow a commner to ahicve something with the same fairness as someone with richer abilities. Hoewver this is like one test dtereming someones fate so still needs imporvement.

chiense social custom: When greeting someone, you should go up, greet them, have the guest sit down. Serve them tea. Make sure you pour tea, a little, and wien to the brim (genorous), and hand cigarrets the whole thing. You should hand it with both hands, "good things come in pairs. " You should eat first, then the guest as a sign of repsect. Significance is because chiense people welcome people, and show that they are generous with their guests and treat them very well.

families in

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