Approach v. To go closer to. "The vet approached the wounded deer carefully." n. 1. A coming closer. "My grandparents dread the approach of winter."
Burrow v. 1. To dig a hole or tunnel into or under something "Turtles burrow into soft sand to lay their eggs."
Cease v. To stop; to come or bring to an end. "After several hours of thunder and lightning, the storm finally ceased."
Destructive adj. Causing harm or damage. "Mice can be very destructive pests." Destruction: n. Harm or damage. "When Hurricane Katrina hit the Louisiana coast, it caused great destruction."
Drowsy adj. Tired or sleepy. "Lying in the sun always makes my cat drowsy"
Famished adj. Very hungry. "Sometimes I forget to eat my lunch, so by suppertime I am famished!"
Forecast v. To figure out and say what will happen before it takes place. "Our fishing guide forecast a good catch." n. A telling of what will happen. "As soon as Carlos gets up, he turns on the weather forecast."
Hibernate v. To spend the winter in a resting state. "Groundhogs hibernate because they can't find enough food in the winter."
Migrate v. To move from one country or region to another. "Hundreds of thousands of people have migrated to the United States in search of freedom." Migration n. The act of migrating "My friend Sandhya is studying Indian migration to the United States." Migratory adj. Moving from one place or country to another, usually regularly. "Canada geese are migratory birds."
Nestle v. 1. To settle down comfortably, as if in a nest. "I like to nestle into bed with a good book."
Observe v. 1. To see; to notice. "I looked up at the sky and observed a hawk circling slowly, far above us."
Prepare v. To make or get ready. "The scouts prepared for their camping trip by getting lots of freeze-dried food." Preparation: n. Something done to get ready. "Antonio and Ruth did most of the preparation for the cookout the night before."
Reduce v. To make or become smaller or less. "To stay healthy, we will reduce the amount of salt we put in our food." Reduction: n. The act of reducing or the amount by which something it reduced. "The store sold out of swimsuits after its huge price reduction."
Severe adj. 1. Very strict or harsh. "Falling the class is a severe punishment for turning a paper in late."
Venture v. To dare to do, to go, to say. "Maria ventured onto the dance floor even though she didn't know how to dance." n. Something that involves the risk of a loss. "Grandpa's most successful venture was a carpet-cleaning service."