I don't feel like using google Docs.
If you read all of this, congrats! You probably know me more than my best friends now! Q and A will start us off and I might be able to answer questions you have/had.
-Q: What's your name?
-A: I have many, because of D.I.D my names are: Theo, Prance, Antler, Easty (R.I.P): Rem, Mitster, Spret
-Q: How will I know you're a different alter?
-A: My mood and/or actions will seem off to you, or I'll just plainly tell you
-Q: How old are you?
-A: 17 (2005, Oct. 1st)
-Q: What are your pronouns?
-A: Different ones! (Theo, He/him) (Prance, She/her) (Easty, They/them) (Antler, They/them)
-Q: Why do you sound like a female?
-A: I'm transgender, ftm
-Q: Where are you from?
-A: I don't feel comfortable saying, sorry!
-Q: Do you have a favorite color?
-A: Yes, but my alters have very different colors they like though. (Theo, Red) (Prance, Yellow) (Easty, Dark green) (Antler, Pink)
-Q: Why do you have D.I.D?
-A: From trauma
-Q: How often can I text you?
-A: I'm not sure I'll respond, but anytime.
-Q: What's your sexuality?
-A: Different preferences (Theo, Pansexual) (Prance, Bisexual) (Easty, Queer) (Antler, Questioning)
-Q: Is there anything I should know?
-A: I'm single for whoever
-Q: What else is down there on the paper?
-A: Things to avoid saying and/or doing around me!
- KINDLY, don't fucking say women or men have it harder than one of the genders
- Don't insult my friends, I will most likely yell
- Don't yell at me, I will most likely cry
- Don't call me sensitive. I mean it.
- I already know I'm annoying, don't say it
- Don't blame me for shit one of my alters did, for example, Rem manipulated all of us don't yell at me for her being foolish, also she's dead
Things I'll say randomly:
"Nah, thus crazy"
If you want to see the first few chapters of a book I'm making, go back to my profile!